Starting this thursday is my first final paper.....Engineering Mathematics 2...woohoo,....cuak pn ade..but the preparation has been made... kte hanya perlu tawakal...insyaallah mendapat keberkatan.... well guys, its semester 4 now...
no more pray2..*PCK style...
Papa ckap " study hard, jgn men2,...ti kne bayar blik duit yg ko pinjam 2.... so dapat 3.5 leh clear trus" yg payah ni bila parents dah letak harapan kat kita kan..well..our job is make them proud... do our best....think of what they had sacrifice for us.... all they ask is to excell in our achieving the grades, we will manage our life in the future....if they can sacrifice...why cant us..tul x...? the conclusion is just try our best to be the best...... no matter how bad they have done are to us or how much we hate them, they are still our parents....haa... tp sem ni dah la 7 paper...warghh!!! cam tertekan gk ar....7 papers in 9 days..gila kan... there's almost no space to breathe...i just have to hold my breathe longer......
INNNN.........OUTTT! huhhh......:D
woohoo.... chill rafi, this only last for like a week...then u're off for HOLIDAY!! yeay...hahaha....just get too excited..... tp cuti pn cam xcuti jer...kne gi kursus la,latihan pusat la n debate age....wergghh*screaming but xbukak mulut...c: hish..xpe2... pape pon...kte ENJOY...haha tgk 2....excited age...haa..
AIYOKTATAYOK *japanese version....
hurmmm....pnat orh...asyik2 mlam msti berjaga...yela somebody called me a NOCTURNAL kann...haha...kne la admit kn.... huhu... but i know all of this happens to all universities students when they tend to stay up late at nite finishing their assignments....'s the schedule of my examination final paper :-
haa....the seats pon kdang2 makes me nervous...i really dont like to be in the not that i want to cheat or anythng but is just make us so tensed up sitting in front looking at the prefect of the hall staring at us...especially when the 'watcher' come to the table and look at what i was answering...likee...errrr..... staring at my ugly writings n all... pas2 mula la terpikiir..."ape la budak ni buat, dah la tulisan buruk....salah plak tu dia jawab"...arrghh...... and will start erasing the answer and do it all over again....argghh....dah la tension and its a waste of time...eee..... Dear Admin, if u're listening, dont ever there put me in the front seat or i will curse u to poverty...haha...kejam nya....wekk:P hehe.. that just it kann....anyhow,
Hot to go aumm!!
H.O.T T.O.G.O Aummm.......
arrrr.......* is that a tiger..haha...sounds more like a cat..hihi....
K laa...i guess thats all for SU RE i'll write more if i have the time...huhu..... adios amigos et senorita.... purfavorr!! c;
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