whoarhh...from yesterday's noon...i've been trying to finish the assignment@take home test...the question was quite difficult..just manage top finish it the next morning....we have to go through like 500 pages e-book to find the answer. hurh....luckily it was a take home test....been doing it untill 12 am then i stop because want to do the analysis for the english research about students spenditure. right after finish discussing, i continued doing the test.hurh..it is all hand written...very tiring and my brain feel kinda want to stop operating...Joining Technology sure is a tough subject....gle arh.... mse wat tu ade la stop2....yela..pnat kot klu nk wat straight jer.... hmm.... the next morning i have this TEST 2 for mandarin, xstdy pape kot...
then my fren ckap "xyah gi test la,kte siap kan joining tkot xsempat siap plak"
. "ak pn ckap"klu xpegi test kang fail, cmner?"
"alaa.....amik la mc..ckap ko cirit birit"....
hahaha..he almost got me there but later on i decided to go to the test because i dont have money to have that MC. huhu....yg best nyer..ak gi test nek moto...haha..thnx to bobba....like the pink LC 135. i arrived MFI at 8.05 am...the exam suppose to start at 8 but teacher is nt there yet....finally the teacher came and give the test paper...whn i see the question i smiled. just 5 minutes after that i was out of the classroom.yeay done with the test....i rushed back home to finish my take home test. right in time,i finished my last question at 9.40 am..we have to send it before 10..i start my car and off to the new building. i ran upstairs to the 3rd floor.huh..tggi gler kot...smpi2 cari bilik,..xjumpe...i called my fren...dier ckap kat tgkat 4 kot..then naik la...pn xde jgk....then i call other fren..tutt..tutt..tutt...
"ko kt ner"
"aku bru jer antar test,ko?"
ak pn nk antar, blik dier kat mner ek"
" kat blik ARBO lame"
"hah..gler arh" then i hang up and ran to my car and drive recklessly to the old building...gle kn..dkat2 pn nk bwak laju2.... then i pass it to my fren...im tired of running..its his turn to run..huhu..kaw2 pnat.... dah la xtdo mlam....pas2 pagi2 dah kne berlari...gle arh....after dah antar bru la lega....b4 reach home, i went to MAMAK n buy myself teh ais and teh'o...:)huh..
then my fren ckap "xyah gi test la,kte siap kan joining tkot xsempat siap plak"
. "ak pn ckap"klu xpegi test kang fail, cmner?"
"alaa.....amik la mc..ckap ko cirit birit"....
hahaha..he almost got me there but later on i decided to go to the test because i dont have money to have that MC. huhu....yg best nyer..ak gi test nek moto...haha..thnx to bobba....like the pink LC 135. i arrived MFI at 8.05 am...the exam suppose to start at 8 but teacher is nt there yet....finally the teacher came and give the test paper...whn i see the question i smiled. just 5 minutes after that i was out of the classroom.yeay done with the test....i rushed back home to finish my take home test. right in time,i finished my last question at 9.40 am..we have to send it before 10..i start my car and off to the new building. i ran upstairs to the 3rd floor.huh..tggi gler kot...smpi2 cari bilik,..xjumpe...i called my fren...dier ckap kat tgkat 4 kot..then naik la...pn xde jgk....then i call other fren..tutt..tutt..tutt...
"ko kt ner"
"aku bru jer antar test,ko?"
ak pn nk antar, blik dier kat mner ek"
" kat blik ARBO lame"
"hah..gler arh" then i hang up and ran to my car and drive recklessly to the old building...gle kn..dkat2 pn nk bwak laju2.... then i pass it to my fren...im tired of running..its his turn to run..huhu..kaw2 pnat.... dah la xtdo mlam....pas2 pagi2 dah kne berlari...gle arh....after dah antar bru la lega....b4 reach home, i went to MAMAK n buy myself teh ais and teh'o...:)huh..
last skli blik la..i was very wet...dont misunderstood k...i mean im sweating la...hish...
huh....pnat nyer...tp bese la..lumrah student...
k la..thats all...xnk merapu...huhu...
i miss you friends!!!
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