I talked to a man, he said something about my present, my past and even my future...
well, it does affect me....i feel more peace right now..
i can think wisely...i dont care what other people said about me because im just being myself...
if you dont like,than get out of my life cause i dont want you in my life...dont pretend and live with a lie...
i know what am i going to do..yeay...
thnx a lot!!!!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
the affect,pain,sick and new one...
Hye guys,
it had been a hard day this couple of days...
i had suffer a lot..physically,mentally and even emotionally....
yesterday ( 29th September) we had this workshop practical ...*Gas Tunsgsten Arc Cutting.
It was fun....but an hour later i feel the affect on my eye, jd cam berair plak....huhu...
it becomes worst from time to time....that nite...after dinner i took 2 panadol and a coke. And yeah i feel much more better. but it doesnt last longer because after that it hurts back. augghhh......it hurts and i took another 2panadol and the coke. then im off to sleep. the next morning i woke up n i feel kinda dizzy....im havin the fever..pning nyer pale tp kne bgn gak coz i hav class. wow...apparently i took another 2 panadol....huh...i feel so cold and even wear sweater to class....after finish my class i thought of trimming my hair...hehe...
yeay i went to 15teen wit nazari....and just so you know.. i hav my new hair done....it was kinda short and but it was fine...just love the way it is..:)
thats all i want to say...
see u guys again...
it had been a hard day this couple of days...
i had suffer a lot..physically,mentally and even emotionally....
yesterday ( 29th September) we had this workshop practical ...*Gas Tunsgsten Arc Cutting.
It was fun....but an hour later i feel the affect on my eye, jd cam berair plak....huhu...
it becomes worst from time to time....that nite...after dinner i took 2 panadol and a coke. And yeah i feel much more better. but it doesnt last longer because after that it hurts back. augghhh......it hurts and i took another 2panadol and the coke. then im off to sleep. the next morning i woke up n i feel kinda dizzy....im havin the fever..pning nyer pale tp kne bgn gak coz i hav class. wow...apparently i took another 2 panadol....huh...i feel so cold and even wear sweater to class....after finish my class i thought of trimming my hair...hehe...
yeay i went to 15teen wit nazari....and just so you know.. i hav my new hair done....it was kinda short and but it was fine...just love the way it is..:)
thats all i want to say...
see u guys again...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Be Matured Man!!
Maturity, in general, is many things. Maturity in a love relationship is everything! First it is the ability to base a decision about a love relationship on the big picture - the long haul. In general, it means being able to pass up the fun for the moment and select the course of action which will pay off later.
In a love relationship, it means being able to enjoy the instant gratification that comes with the romance of the moment while knowing the best is yet to be and being patient while you watch your love grow. It is knowing that by working together, the state of unconditional love will presence itself in the relationship and will mature with time. It is knowing that you grow into a love relationship. It doesn't happen all at once. Mature love partners seek new ways to help each other grow.
One of the characteristics of infancy is the "I want it now" approach. Grown-up people can wait. And often they don't. Often they allow themselves to slip back into infancy so they can justify rushing into things.
Maturity is the ability to stick with a project or a situation until it is finished. It means doing whatever it takes to make the relationship be one you are proud to be in. The adult who is constantly changing jobs, relationships, and friends, is in a word. . . immature. They cannot stick it out because they have not grown up. Everything seems to turn sour after a while.
Mature love partners have learned not to expect perfection in each other. They know that acceptance has its own reward. Each lover's differences test the other's capacity for acceptance, forgiveness and understanding. They never dance around issues. When necessary, they discuss their imperfections, lovingly, with care not to pass judgment with harmful words. Acceptance and tolerance hold hands in the presence of unconditional love.
Mature lovers -- lovers who love unconditionally -- develop a knack for side- stepping resentment and focusing on the good they see in one another. They have evolved to a higher level of understanding, one that transcends taking notice of the imperfections of the other.
Maturity is the capacity to face unpleasantness, frustration, discomfort and defeat without complaint or collapse. Mature love partners know they can't have everything their own way. They are able to defer to circumstances, to other people - and to time, when necessary.
Mature love partners permit each other the freedom to pursue their individual interests and friends without restriction. This is when trust presents itself. Mature love allows this level of separateness to bring lovers closer together. In this scenario separateness is perceived as a bond, not a wedge. It encourages love partners to celebrate their own uniqueness.
Maturity is the ability to make a decision and stand by it. Immature people spend their lives exploring endless possibilities and then do nothing. Action requires courage. There is no maturity without courage.
Maturity is the ability to harness your abilities and your energies and to do more than is expected in your relationships. The mature person refuses to settle for mediocrity. They would rather aim high and miss the mark than aim low and hit it.
Who is a true friend and how does a friendship develop? Friendship clicks when we relate to one another's personality and there is recognition of bonding based on common likes and dislikes, interests, pursuits and passion. There is feeling of companionship and oneness. A friendship evolves overtime and then it slowly matures. A mature friendship is one where you know your friend inside out and accept him or her with all the contradictions and deviations that you earlier fail to notice. A mature friendship is a genuine friendship and here there is a shared sense of caring, concern, desire to grow and let grow and a hope that everything good happens in life to you as well as your buddy. True, mature and genuine friendship does not happen just like that. It needs working and it needs mutual faith and trust based on selfless action, shared thoughts and feelings, and acceptance of the friend without judgement and criticism.
True Friend: A true, mature and genuine friendship is based on relationship, trust, and accountability
A true, mature and genuine friendship needs a relationship which is built over time, by knowing each other more closely over shared time spent, shared memories, participation in each other's growth and prosperity as well as being available to each other in hard times.
Such a relationship built over time stands on the strong foundation of trust because you know that you have a friend whom you know as much as you know yourself. With trust you start sharing your inner most secrets and feelings with your friend who is true. Trust and its continuous reinforcement from both the side leads to faithfulness and loyalty. On the other hand betrayal of trust can lead to the culmination of the friendship in a very negative way with lot of hard feelings and loneliness. Many of the important reasons of loss of trust is backbiting, negative thoughts and cheating on one another.
There is a delicate balance that is required to have a true friend and friendship. To nurture this delicate balance the need is to have a set of accountability factors that becomes essential for the survival of the friendship. True friends accept the fact that this world is not perfect and they overcome small and little misunderstandings, deviations and contradictions that crop up among them. They have a policy of living the life positively and so forgiving one another is accepted as part of the natural code of friendship.
True and genuine friendship should come out of hard times more strongly. We need to undertand that genuine, mature and true friendship is supportive in nature and comes into real light in hard pressed times. These are the times when the true value, dependence and strength of a genuine friend are tested. A true friendship which passes the fire of troubled time develops into a bonding where unconditional love flows from one to another. Such true friends are hard to come by but once you have them most of the time they become your life time buddies.
The essential characteristics of a genuine friend and friendship
1. As mentioned before without trust and respect for each other no true friendship can develop.
2. Real and true friendship involves freedom of choice, accountability, truth, and forgiveness. There is acceptance of the person with all the good and bad that holds within a personality. There is an attitude of living the life positively and therefore forgetting and forgiving minor deviations and contradictions.
3. Real friendship looks at the heart, not just the "packaging." Genuine friendship loves for love's sake, not just for what it can get in return. This can happen only when the bonding of friendship has resulted from past experiences which where mutually beneficial and helpful in the most troubled times. This helps the relationship to evolve above the superficialities.
4. True friendship is both challenging and exciting. It risks, it overlooks faults, and it loves unconditionally, but it also involves being truthful, even though it may hurt. As mentioned before, testing times come and the strength of a relationship is tested during these hard times. Once you overcome these testing times, the relation evolves into a higher plane where you can openly communicate the truth and even hard truths without the feeling of any animosity.
5. Genuine friendship, also called "agape" love, comes from the God. This is something of a life's bonding and is akin to our bonding with life or the higher powers of nature itself.
6. Relationships in real life involve different levels of friendships, and that's okay. But humans are designed by nature for lasting relationships. The idea is to always evolve and grow in friendship and try to reach the highest stage of a friendship.
7. True relationship and friendship transcends and overcomes the superficialities of vague empty relationships which are mostly exploitive and manipulative in nature.
8. Establishing a connect and order of accountability and responsibility is very important as it's harder to make amends with an offended friend.
9. When we've offended a "friend who is true" whether by breaking a trust or by speaking the truth with love, we risk losing that friendship. Here comes the need to understand that this life is anyway very short and brief and it's wise to forgive and forget and move on together if possible.
10. As mentioned previously the most essential aspect of a relationship is trust and if this is broken again and again then it can lead to the death of the friendship and relationship.
Thnx to YOU....:)
i know you would read this....
Thnx to YOU....:)
i know you would read this....
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Get A Long with Broken One
Breakups can be rough, and they can be amicable
No matter what, no one really wants to go through them.
The loss of your relationship can bring on intense heartache.
Here are some way that i think is good but doesn't mean it works. hahaha:)
Think through everything thoroughly, but not obsessively.
Go ahead and mull it over, as many times as necessary, within reason. Consider all the reasons you two broke up. Even if it sometimes seems as if there wasn't a good reason, there certainly was one - and probably more than one. Understand that you enjoyed being together for a while, but if the relationship was not what both you and your partner wanted for life, it would have ended eventually, no matter what. In this case, better sooner than later. Thinking about the reasons why it ended can make it much clearer to you that it takes two people to start a relationship, but just one discordant person is enough to end it. It may also help you avoid many missteps in the future if you can identify areas where you contributed to the demise of the relationship.
Don't rethink your decision.
If the breakup was your decision, keep in mind that only thinking about all the good times you had with your partner may cause you to forget the reasons why you broke it off. By the same token, try not to second-guess the situation if the decision to end things was not yours. It's very common to romanticize the good parts of the relationship, convincing yourself that maybe the bad parts weren't so bad after all, that maybe you could just live with them. Or that maybe if your ex would know just how you feel, he/she wouldn't want to break up after all. Don't play this game with yourself. Accept the situation and work on moving forward.
Keep your space.
Even if you and your ex have decided to stay friends, break away completely from each other right after the breakup. This means not seeing each other, not being around his/her family members, no phone calls, no e-mails, no text messages, no Facebook, and no IMs - not necessarily as a permanent measure, but until you feel that you can converse with him/her on a purely platonic level, without an ulterior motive (and yes, wanting to get back together counts as an ulterior motive). If he/she tries to convince you to see him/her, ask yourself honestly what the point would be. If you're reliving the past by seeing him/her, it's not hard to get caught up in the moment and it will be harder to let go again. You may have to have some contact in order to deal with the practical aspects of things like moving out, signing papers, etc., but try to limit this to what's absolutely necessary, and then keep such calls/meetings short and civil.
Cope with the pain appropriately
. It's okay to feel like you have messed up - accepting responsibility for your mistakes or shortcomings is healthy. On the other hand, you must also accept that you are a good person, and that you did your best and you're not the only one who made mistakes. Of course, a stage of denial is completely natural, but acceptance is the key to being able to start moving on.
Deal with the hate phase.
This is when you want to just scream because your rage feels boundless. The amount of anger you feel depends on how antagonistic the split was, the circumstances, and how long it took to make the final break. You may resent your ex for wasting your time. You may realize that the breakup was inevitable (hindsight will reveal clues you failed to notice at the time). You may even feel a lot of anger towards yourself, but let go of that feeling fast! It's a waste of time and energy to rip yourself apart over something you no longer have the power to change. There are so many positive things you can do with your emotions and energy. Although it may feel good to replace your feelings of love towards your ex with hate, this can still lead to complications and mixed emotions of love and hate which are never a good thing.
Talk to your friends.
You want people around you who love you and who will help you feel good about yourself. Surrounding yourself with compassionate, supportive friends and family will help you see yourself as a worthwhile person, and you'll find it easier to get steady on your feet again with your loved ones around you in a comforting net. But be wary of friends trying to connect you with another person right now, this is not what you need.
Write all your feelings down.
Write in a journal or try writing poems. The most important thing is to be absolutely honestand don't edit yourself as you go. One of the best results of writing it all down is that sometimes you will be amazed by a sudden insight that comes to you as you are pouring it all out onto paper. Patterns may become clearer, and as your grieving begins to lessen, you will find it so much easier to understand valuable life lessons from the whole experience if you've been writing your way through it. No relationship is ever a failure if you manage to learn something about yourself. Just because it didn't work out doesn't mean it wasn't a necessary part of your journey to becoming who you're meant to be.
Make a list of reminders.
One of the best tricks to help you stick to your resolve is to make a list of all the reasons your ex was not the one for you. Be ruthless and clear -- this is not the time to be forgiving. What you're doing is creating a picture for yourself that will call up an emotional response when you feel tempted to think that "maybe if you just did this or that, it would work out..." Write down what happened and how it made you feel, being clear about the things you never want to feel again. When you find yourself missing your ex in a weak moment, and think you might actually be getting too close to the telephone, get out this list, read it over a couple times, and then talk to yourself, "This is the truth of what it was like. Why would I want to go back and torture myself again?" If you're caught in a low-self-esteem trap, thinking you don't deserve better, imagine this happening to a friend of yours, and think what you would say to your friend: "Get as far away as you can! That relationship was no good for you!"
Out with the old, in with the new.
A breakup can signify a new beginning. Therefore, cleaning and organizing your personal space will leave you feeling refreshed and prepared for the new things to come. A mess can be overwhelming and depressing, and will just add to your stress level. The added bonus is that keeping busy with tidying your space doesn't require a lot of brain power, but does require just enough focus to keep you from recycling pain. Occupying yourself with such tasks designed to make your life better and easier will also occupy your mind enough to help you through the residual pain. Clean your room, get some new posters, clean up the icons on your PC desktop. As insignificant as cleaning up sounds, it'll make you feel better.
Remove memory triggers.
There are all kinds of things that remind you of your ex - a song, a smell, a sound, a place. Once the grieving period has had some time to process, don't dwell on painful feelings or memories. There are probably things that are pushing your buttons without your conscious recognition. Try walking around each room in your house with a box and removing things that make your heart ache or your stomach turn. Really focus and look carefully. You may realize that the little blue bird-shaped box sitting on the mantel has become pretty invisible for the last couple years, but when you take a conscious look at it, you notice that every time you turn towards that corner of the room and it catches your eye, you feel a sharp little pain in your solar plexus. It can work wonders to clear your space of all these triggers. If you have a keepsake, such as a watch or piece of jewelry that was given to you by your ex, and it's a reminder of the good aspects of your relationship, there's nothing wrong with keeping such a thing, but for the time being, try putting it away for later, when you've given yourself some time and space. Put these reminders far away from you, such as in a box in a place you'll never go. Out of sight, out of mind.
Find happiness in other areas of your life.
Whether that means spending time with your friends and family, signing up for that class you've always wanted to take, or reading every book on the New York Times bestseller list, remind yourself that a relationship is one part of life, but even when you are in one, there are personal pleasures that you can always enjoy on your own. Indulge in those things now. As they say, the best revenge is living well. Enjoy being single.
Stay active.
Exercise improves your mood and alleviates depression, and the distraction will help keep your mind off your situation. Go running outside, visit (or join) the gym, or just go for a walk, maybe with a friend, and think of releasing the anger or sadness with every step. If you don't exercise regularly, here are some ways to motivate yourself to work out:
No matter what, no one really wants to go through them.
The loss of your relationship can bring on intense heartache.
Here are some way that i think is good but doesn't mean it works. hahaha:)
Think through everything thoroughly, but not obsessively.
Go ahead and mull it over, as many times as necessary, within reason. Consider all the reasons you two broke up. Even if it sometimes seems as if there wasn't a good reason, there certainly was one - and probably more than one. Understand that you enjoyed being together for a while, but if the relationship was not what both you and your partner wanted for life, it would have ended eventually, no matter what. In this case, better sooner than later. Thinking about the reasons why it ended can make it much clearer to you that it takes two people to start a relationship, but just one discordant person is enough to end it. It may also help you avoid many missteps in the future if you can identify areas where you contributed to the demise of the relationship.
Don't rethink your decision.
If the breakup was your decision, keep in mind that only thinking about all the good times you had with your partner may cause you to forget the reasons why you broke it off. By the same token, try not to second-guess the situation if the decision to end things was not yours. It's very common to romanticize the good parts of the relationship, convincing yourself that maybe the bad parts weren't so bad after all, that maybe you could just live with them. Or that maybe if your ex would know just how you feel, he/she wouldn't want to break up after all. Don't play this game with yourself. Accept the situation and work on moving forward.
Keep your space.
Even if you and your ex have decided to stay friends, break away completely from each other right after the breakup. This means not seeing each other, not being around his/her family members, no phone calls, no e-mails, no text messages, no Facebook, and no IMs - not necessarily as a permanent measure, but until you feel that you can converse with him/her on a purely platonic level, without an ulterior motive (and yes, wanting to get back together counts as an ulterior motive). If he/she tries to convince you to see him/her, ask yourself honestly what the point would be. If you're reliving the past by seeing him/her, it's not hard to get caught up in the moment and it will be harder to let go again. You may have to have some contact in order to deal with the practical aspects of things like moving out, signing papers, etc., but try to limit this to what's absolutely necessary, and then keep such calls/meetings short and civil.
Cope with the pain appropriately
. It's okay to feel like you have messed up - accepting responsibility for your mistakes or shortcomings is healthy. On the other hand, you must also accept that you are a good person, and that you did your best and you're not the only one who made mistakes. Of course, a stage of denial is completely natural, but acceptance is the key to being able to start moving on.
Deal with the hate phase.
This is when you want to just scream because your rage feels boundless. The amount of anger you feel depends on how antagonistic the split was, the circumstances, and how long it took to make the final break. You may resent your ex for wasting your time. You may realize that the breakup was inevitable (hindsight will reveal clues you failed to notice at the time). You may even feel a lot of anger towards yourself, but let go of that feeling fast! It's a waste of time and energy to rip yourself apart over something you no longer have the power to change. There are so many positive things you can do with your emotions and energy. Although it may feel good to replace your feelings of love towards your ex with hate, this can still lead to complications and mixed emotions of love and hate which are never a good thing.
Talk to your friends.
You want people around you who love you and who will help you feel good about yourself. Surrounding yourself with compassionate, supportive friends and family will help you see yourself as a worthwhile person, and you'll find it easier to get steady on your feet again with your loved ones around you in a comforting net. But be wary of friends trying to connect you with another person right now, this is not what you need.
Write all your feelings down.
Write in a journal or try writing poems. The most important thing is to be absolutely honestand don't edit yourself as you go. One of the best results of writing it all down is that sometimes you will be amazed by a sudden insight that comes to you as you are pouring it all out onto paper. Patterns may become clearer, and as your grieving begins to lessen, you will find it so much easier to understand valuable life lessons from the whole experience if you've been writing your way through it. No relationship is ever a failure if you manage to learn something about yourself. Just because it didn't work out doesn't mean it wasn't a necessary part of your journey to becoming who you're meant to be.
Make a list of reminders.
One of the best tricks to help you stick to your resolve is to make a list of all the reasons your ex was not the one for you. Be ruthless and clear -- this is not the time to be forgiving. What you're doing is creating a picture for yourself that will call up an emotional response when you feel tempted to think that "maybe if you just did this or that, it would work out..." Write down what happened and how it made you feel, being clear about the things you never want to feel again. When you find yourself missing your ex in a weak moment, and think you might actually be getting too close to the telephone, get out this list, read it over a couple times, and then talk to yourself, "This is the truth of what it was like. Why would I want to go back and torture myself again?" If you're caught in a low-self-esteem trap, thinking you don't deserve better, imagine this happening to a friend of yours, and think what you would say to your friend: "Get as far away as you can! That relationship was no good for you!"
Out with the old, in with the new.
A breakup can signify a new beginning. Therefore, cleaning and organizing your personal space will leave you feeling refreshed and prepared for the new things to come. A mess can be overwhelming and depressing, and will just add to your stress level. The added bonus is that keeping busy with tidying your space doesn't require a lot of brain power, but does require just enough focus to keep you from recycling pain. Occupying yourself with such tasks designed to make your life better and easier will also occupy your mind enough to help you through the residual pain. Clean your room, get some new posters, clean up the icons on your PC desktop. As insignificant as cleaning up sounds, it'll make you feel better.
Remove memory triggers.
There are all kinds of things that remind you of your ex - a song, a smell, a sound, a place. Once the grieving period has had some time to process, don't dwell on painful feelings or memories. There are probably things that are pushing your buttons without your conscious recognition. Try walking around each room in your house with a box and removing things that make your heart ache or your stomach turn. Really focus and look carefully. You may realize that the little blue bird-shaped box sitting on the mantel has become pretty invisible for the last couple years, but when you take a conscious look at it, you notice that every time you turn towards that corner of the room and it catches your eye, you feel a sharp little pain in your solar plexus. It can work wonders to clear your space of all these triggers. If you have a keepsake, such as a watch or piece of jewelry that was given to you by your ex, and it's a reminder of the good aspects of your relationship, there's nothing wrong with keeping such a thing, but for the time being, try putting it away for later, when you've given yourself some time and space. Put these reminders far away from you, such as in a box in a place you'll never go. Out of sight, out of mind.
Find happiness in other areas of your life.
Whether that means spending time with your friends and family, signing up for that class you've always wanted to take, or reading every book on the New York Times bestseller list, remind yourself that a relationship is one part of life, but even when you are in one, there are personal pleasures that you can always enjoy on your own. Indulge in those things now. As they say, the best revenge is living well. Enjoy being single.
Stay active.
Exercise improves your mood and alleviates depression, and the distraction will help keep your mind off your situation. Go running outside, visit (or join) the gym, or just go for a walk, maybe with a friend, and think of releasing the anger or sadness with every step. If you don't exercise regularly, here are some ways to motivate yourself to work out:
- Do something small, right now. Going all the way to the gym, or getting decked out in your jogging gear, or doing whatever it is you feel you should be doing obviously seems like too much work. So just do ten push-ups or jumping jacks. Easy. And usually, it's just enough to get your heart rate going a little bit, and make you feel like a little more exercise wouldn't be so bad...
- Get halfway there. If you want to go to the gym, but just don't feel like it, at least just drive yourself to gym, and tell yourself that if you still don't feel like working out, you'll go home. Odds are, though, once you're there, you won't feel like driving home. (But if you do, that's OK too. But you probably won't.) Then tell yourself you'll just walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes, even if your exercise routine involves much more. Just telling yourself to do one more thing, without having to commit to anything else, will make things much easier. And before long, your endorphins will take over.
Let go.
Understand that there is no benefit in holding on to heartache, regret, and hatred toward another person. Realize that although it is over, your relationship with that person was unique and special in a lot of ways. You can congratulate yourself for being brave enough to take a risk and fall in love, and encourage your heart that even though love didn't work out this time, there will be a next time
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Its Faith
Suka belum tentu sayang.
Sayang belum tentu cinta.
Tapi bila cinta,
sudah tentu suka dan sayang
When it comes to the person that we care and love, It may change our personality..
We do things that we don't usually do, not doing things that we like because of that thing. But that is not right. We have to do something because of ourself.
we imagine that the person that we care the most is gone, what will happen to us? we will have no reason for us to be the person that we are that time. We cant blame anybody. Its your ownself. Think wisely before make any decision.
It will hurt sometimes but in the end we feel much more better person.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Please say something...
I need to hear it...
Or should i ask
please let me know....
u know im waiting....
I need to hear it...
Or should i ask
please let me know....
u know im waiting....
Monday, September 20, 2010
u guys tau x....
nape kn klu ssorg 2 cam xnk ckap gn kte [dehal xde pape pn yg berlaku...
kite nk ckap gn dier tp dier...
entah la...
hati dah berkata....
jiwa sedang bergelora..
tatkala bulan bersinar megah dipagari bintang begemerlapan......
di keheningan malam yang tidak bermaya...sunyi menyelubungi....
cengkerik sudah tidak lagi kedengaran...aneh!!
jauh di lubuk hati....terkenang,terbayang.....mencengkam rasa rindu di dalam dri.
Puisi merdu kedengaran sayup dikala angin bertiup kencang.
nape kn klu ssorg 2 cam xnk ckap gn kte [dehal xde pape pn yg berlaku...
kite nk ckap gn dier tp dier...
entah la...
hati dah berkata....
jiwa sedang bergelora..
tatkala bulan bersinar megah dipagari bintang begemerlapan......
di keheningan malam yang tidak bermaya...sunyi menyelubungi....
cengkerik sudah tidak lagi kedengaran...aneh!!
jauh di lubuk hati....terkenang,terbayang.....mencengkam rasa rindu di dalam dri.
Puisi merdu kedengaran sayup dikala angin bertiup kencang.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I love the beach,
it is so beautiful...
the air is very refreshing..
the air is very refreshing..
the view makes me calm....
i need to think wisely
i need to think wisely
Need some motivation....
i need to be firm with my stands.
give me strength....
sooner or later i need to decide..
stop being undecisive please.
believe in yourself that you can grab that commitment...
its your path. Make a good use of it.IT'S NEVER TO LATE TO BE SOMEONE THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN !!!!!!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Selamat Hari Raya
Dis year's raya was ok....
i had 2 raya at shah alam on the first raya...
on that day we went for family photo shooting at bangi and putrajaya....
it was very fun...we had a lot of fun with the pond and ice cream...huhuhu....
i was quite tiring on the first day...
that night i had to pack my cloth because we're going back to tganu on the next day...
that nite i slept early because i hav to drive by my own...
excited gak ar...haha:)
The next morning i woke up at 6...
i thought we're gonna leave at 7....apparently we had this so called "problem" where we have to settle the house and buy fruits for out grandpa...
we leave shah alam at 11 ...quite late huh...
then the journey starts...with all the musics and singing in the car...it helps me to stay up....cause it was boring following the butt of ny dad's car.... huhuh..thnx to my sis also who had assist me...haha~ suap mknan gn air je pun...~
then we arrived kemaman about 2 o'clock....quite fast huh,.....hehe
it was very fun....then we arrived at k.terengganu about 4.45 pm...the rest of the day was fill with sleepng and resting...:)
the next day we have tis photo shooting with the whole big family.... There were 20 grandhildren and 8 adults... and also our lovely grandparents. its hard for us to gather because my cousin two of them are abroad....one in india and another one is sailing...so they cant be in malaysia by time.... we were very happy.....yeay..haha....
thats all from me....
hey guys happy eid.....
hope to see you guys....
i miss all of you...
especially "you"...hehe....
p/s:"you" i really mean it....:-)
i had 2 raya at shah alam on the first raya...
on that day we went for family photo shooting at bangi and putrajaya....
it was very fun...we had a lot of fun with the pond and ice cream...huhuhu....
i was quite tiring on the first day...
that night i had to pack my cloth because we're going back to tganu on the next day...
that nite i slept early because i hav to drive by my own...
excited gak ar...haha:)
The next morning i woke up at 6...
i thought we're gonna leave at 7....apparently we had this so called "problem" where we have to settle the house and buy fruits for out grandpa...
we leave shah alam at 11 ...quite late huh...
then the journey starts...with all the musics and singing in the car...it helps me to stay up....cause it was boring following the butt of ny dad's car.... huhuh..thnx to my sis also who had assist me...haha~ suap mknan gn air je pun...~
then we arrived kemaman about 2 o'clock....quite fast huh,.....hehe
it was very fun....then we arrived at k.terengganu about 4.45 pm...the rest of the day was fill with sleepng and resting...:)
the next day we have tis photo shooting with the whole big family.... There were 20 grandhildren and 8 adults... and also our lovely grandparents. its hard for us to gather because my cousin two of them are abroad....one in india and another one is sailing...so they cant be in malaysia by time.... we were very happy.....yeay..haha....
thats all from me....
hey guys happy eid.....
hope to see you guys....
i miss all of you...
especially "you"...hehe....
p/s:"you" i really mean it....:-)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Solat itu boleh saja di waktu mengerjakan sunat Rawatib atau Tahiyatul-masjid dan boleh pula di waktu malam atau pun siang, sedang bacaan sehabis Al-Fatihah dapat dipilih sekehendaknya.
Niat Solat Istikharah
Doa Solat Istikharah
"Ya Allah, saya memohonkan pilihan menurut pengetahuanMu dan memohonkan penetapan dengan kesuasaanMu juga saya memohonkan kurniaMu yang besar, sebab sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang Maha Mengetahui dan saya tidak mengetahui apa-apa. Engkau Maha Mengetahui segala yang ghaib. Ya Allah, jikalau di dalam ilmuMu bahawa urusan saya ini........baik untukku dalam agamaku, kehidupanku serta akibat urusanku, maka takdirkanlah untukku dan mudahkanlah serta berikanlah berkah kepadaku di dalamnya. Sebaliknya jikala di dalam ilmumu bahawa urusan ini buruk untukku, dalam agamaku, kehidupan serta akibat urusanku, maka jauhkanlah hal itu daripadaku dan jauhkanlah aku daripadanya serta takdirkanlah untukku yang baik-baik saja dimana saja adanya, kemudian puaskanlah hatiku dengan takdirMu itu."
Kuasa Hebat Solat Istikharah Dalam Memilih Jodoh
Pernah suatu ketika dahulu, seorang pengguna myJodoh berada di dalam dilema dalam membuat satu keputusan besar tentang masa depannya. Beliau pernah berkasih-kasihan dengan seorang jejaka (jejaka A) yang juga seorang pengguna laman web ini. Kasih mereka berdua tiba-tiba menghadapi situasi salah faham dan berakhir dengan kekecewaan.
Si gadis lalu membawa diri dan mencari kasih baru. Beliau bertemu dengan seorang jejaka baru di myJodoh (jejaka B) lalu berkenalan, bercinta, bertunang dan merancang saat perkahwinan.
Ketika itulah baru si gadis mula sedar segala konflik yang berlaku di antara jejaka A dan dirinya hanyalah berpunca daripada salah faham. Masing-masing mempunyai salah. Masing-masing memohon maaf. Namun bagi si gadis, beliau tidak lagi boleh berbuat apa-apa kerana dirinya telah menjadi tunangan orang.
Di dalam hatinya terdetik niat untuk memutuskan pertunangan dengan jejaka B, tetapi apakah salah jejaka B. Jejaka B baik dan telah menunjukkan kesungguhan. Semuanya ibarat kisah cinta di dalam novel-novel yang sering menjadi santapan minda di waktu kesunyian. Tidak beliau sangka situasi rekaan itu menjadi kenyataan di dalam dirinya. Cintanya sebenar pada jejaka A.
Apabila ditanya ibu bapa, mereka menyarankan agar meneruskan sahaja dengan jejaka B. Apabila ditanya diri sendiri, beliau ingin memutuskan sahaja. Hati beliau kini telah beralih semula kepada jejaka A. Jika tidak kerana agama dan adat, sudah tentu beliau melakukan apa sahaja yang terlintas di hati.
Apabila beliau meminta nasihat saya, saya juga menjadi buntu, tetapi saya mencadangkan beliau untuk berikstikharah di tengah malam sunyi.
Pada pagi hari itu, beliau ternanti-nanti petunjuk tuhan, menanti sesuatu untuk berlaku, menanti bisikan suara hati.
“Tak ada apa pun,” kata beliau kepada saya.
“Sabarlah dan buat lagi malam nanti.” Saya menyuruhnya mengulangi istikharahnya.
Di pagi kedua, beliau masih ternanti-nanti. Penantian membawa ke tengahari. Di tengahari beliau masih kebingungan. Kebingungan yang membawa hingga ke petang.
Inisiatif dan kesungguhan beliau memohon petunjuk Ilahi akhirnya mendatangkan ketenangan buat dirinya sendiri. Semua saat-saat memaksa diri untuk melawan kantuk itu berbaloi.
Hanya pada petang itu, barulah kebuntuannya hilang. Beliau mendapat pengakuan daripada jejaka B sendiri, sebenarnya jejaka B sudah berkeluarga.
Ini adalah sebuah kisah kehebatan istikharah
Thursday, September 2, 2010
mind setrez
korg tau x....
ak ade mind set...korg rse ptot x?
sbb salu nyer ak set bnd lain...
tp ak wat xmcm ape yg ak tetap kan....
plik kan tp aku rase bnd nie salu berlaku kat korg....
sbb dah byk dah aku dengar cerita cam ni...
cube korg pkir.....mula2 jer semangat.....pas2....ble dah lme2....cam xbetul...
ble dah langgar the mindset...korg cam xksah....tul x....kdang2...korg rse ko wat tu btol..
padehal nk cover...
kite kne sedar yang sebenarnya kita bukan macam dulu...kita berubah...jangan asyik nk salah kan orang lain...diri sendiri tu btul kan dulu...
hidup ni penuh gn masalah dan cabaran....even korg dapat rezeki ker,bala ker ,masalah ker...semua nya dugaan..kita kene accept...
klu x accept melawan takdir namanya,.,,,
bersyukur itu penting..ape yang kita boleh wat ialah kita berusaha untuk menjadi lebih baik.......
cakap jer lebih tapi xwat....same jer....so pape pn korg wat....pkir la dlu....jgn main ckap jer....
sabar pn kene ade gak....maybe korg rse korg wat tu cam xde benefit tp 2 skrg....mse akan dtg spe tau....ko dpat lbih dari ape yg ko nak...
ak ni pn same....ckap kat org leh..tp diri sendiri terabai....happy ker ak,.,?? ntah....
ak rse ak happy tp ak kdang2 kecewa gn diri aku....
aku nak diri aku sendiri tapi last2 aku jadi org yg ak xnk jadi...
kenapa ek??
persoalan tu aku harap dapat bantu aku ubah mindset aku....
k la....pkir2 kn la yer...chiaow
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

ak ade mind set...korg rse ptot x?
sbb salu nyer ak set bnd lain...
tp ak wat xmcm ape yg ak tetap kan....
plik kan tp aku rase bnd nie salu berlaku kat korg....
sbb dah byk dah aku dengar cerita cam ni...
cube korg pkir.....mula2 jer semangat.....pas2....ble dah lme2....cam xbetul...
ble dah langgar the mindset...korg cam xksah....tul x....kdang2...korg rse ko wat tu btol..
padehal nk cover...
kite kne sedar yang sebenarnya kita bukan macam dulu...kita berubah...jangan asyik nk salah kan orang lain...diri sendiri tu btul kan dulu...
hidup ni penuh gn masalah dan cabaran....even korg dapat rezeki ker,bala ker ,masalah ker...semua nya dugaan..kita kene accept...
klu x accept melawan takdir namanya,.,,,
bersyukur itu penting..ape yang kita boleh wat ialah kita berusaha untuk menjadi lebih baik.......
cakap jer lebih tapi xwat....same jer....so pape pn korg wat....pkir la dlu....jgn main ckap jer....
sabar pn kene ade gak....maybe korg rse korg wat tu cam xde benefit tp 2 skrg....mse akan dtg spe tau....ko dpat lbih dari ape yg ko nak...
ak ni pn same....ckap kat org leh..tp diri sendiri terabai....happy ker ak,.,?? ntah....
ak rse ak happy tp ak kdang2 kecewa gn diri aku....
aku nak diri aku sendiri tapi last2 aku jadi org yg ak xnk jadi...
kenapa ek??
persoalan tu aku harap dapat bantu aku ubah mindset aku....
k la....pkir2 kn la yer...chiaow
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
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