Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Forgiveness in Friendship
You may say, “Of course I understand,” but inside you’re seething, angry, hurt, carrying a grudge that might even be the reason the friendship is waning or even ending.
Forgiveness in those situations is certainly possible but that’s asking a lot. I’m suggesting, for starters, that you begin forgiving yourself, or your friend for the little annoyances that can eat away at a friendship. I’m referring to things like the phone call that doesn’t get returned right away. It turns out your friend was out of town and didn’t remember to tell you. Or the birthday that’s missed this year. Your friend is preoccupied with lots of career and personal challenges and it literally slipped her mind. Letting too much time pass between phone calls or get togethers. You, or your friend, are just plain overwhelmed by everyone and everything you have to do. Fitting in your friendship just doesn’t seem feasible for now.
If you are lucky enough to have a close or best friend that goes back to your schooldays or even your childhood, you are fortunate indeed. That friendship is what I call a “nostalgic” friendship and you have to cut those nostalgic friends the most slack because they have known you in a way that no one else could ever know you again. They knew you at five or ten or in your teen years. Even the newer friends you meet at work or through your Mom activities. Those are newer friends but they are there for you at another time in your life when you needed them, and they needed you.
Friendship requires that two people who are equally committed to making their unique and powerful relationship last. It is based on trust, honesty, mutual liking, and sometimes even shared activities, but most of all shared values. One of those shared values that will take you very far with each and every friendship, including the friendship with yourself, is recognizing and agreeing on the value of forgiveness. That doesn’t mean you let a friend walk all over you if they are mistreating you or ignoring you to a point that is unacceptable. But the next time you want to criticize or express your condemnation at your friend because she let you down, at least try to find out just what was going on in her life that was behind her actions and see if you can forgive her.
Forgiveness in those situations is certainly possible but that’s asking a lot. I’m suggesting, for starters, that you begin forgiving yourself, or your friend for the little annoyances that can eat away at a friendship. I’m referring to things like the phone call that doesn’t get returned right away. It turns out your friend was out of town and didn’t remember to tell you. Or the birthday that’s missed this year. Your friend is preoccupied with lots of career and personal challenges and it literally slipped her mind. Letting too much time pass between phone calls or get togethers. You, or your friend, are just plain overwhelmed by everyone and everything you have to do. Fitting in your friendship just doesn’t seem feasible for now.
If you are lucky enough to have a close or best friend that goes back to your schooldays or even your childhood, you are fortunate indeed. That friendship is what I call a “nostalgic” friendship and you have to cut those nostalgic friends the most slack because they have known you in a way that no one else could ever know you again. They knew you at five or ten or in your teen years. Even the newer friends you meet at work or through your Mom activities. Those are newer friends but they are there for you at another time in your life when you needed them, and they needed you.
Friendship requires that two people who are equally committed to making their unique and powerful relationship last. It is based on trust, honesty, mutual liking, and sometimes even shared activities, but most of all shared values. One of those shared values that will take you very far with each and every friendship, including the friendship with yourself, is recognizing and agreeing on the value of forgiveness. That doesn’t mean you let a friend walk all over you if they are mistreating you or ignoring you to a point that is unacceptable. But the next time you want to criticize or express your condemnation at your friend because she let you down, at least try to find out just what was going on in her life that was behind her actions and see if you can forgive her.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
tul ker ak ape yg aku harap kan nie...
atau hanya angan2 kosong..??
aku ni xde rupa....dier cantik...comel...
aku ni xpandai...dier belajar tempat yang ternama
ade peluang ke ak...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Going back home on friday and today is thursday
good morning mates,
feeling kinda fresh this morning eventhough i am kinda frustrated.
actually i dont know what to write but i just feel that i want to....
i can go back home today but because if my cousin, i have to go back home tomorrow, srry adk...
ermm...im, going to pick her up tomorrow after jumaat prayer...
owh lupe nk gtau...my kzn 2 she's from Kolej Mara Seremban. She is going to further her study to overseas so she is very clever girl la..huhu...proud to be her cousin..=)
so here we are..waiting 4 today to ends and just have to wait for it to happen
till then yaw
p/s: i missed her
buka puasa kat umah my aunt
sdap sgt mak ngah msak....
ikan patin msak tempoyak
daging msak kicap
sayur kobis goreng...ye kot..
thnx to mak ngah...len kali leh dtg age but yg xbest nyer dua my kzn xde....
amir gn mell...sorg kat UIA n sorg kat GMI....:(
xpe la...len kali kte buka sme2 k....
neway 2 jer kot for dis time....
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
She's cute
i met this girl
i like her...
talking to her is like hearing myself speaks back to me...
her laughter makes me smile
when she's angry i know she cares...
she has this something that make me like her...
commitment is the key...and im not ready for it yet.....
please make me strong....
she is also understanding=)
but sometimes when she is in the bad mood i cant even talk to her....*thats cute*
eventhough dier moody sometimes but i cant deny that she is "manja"
when i saw her picture i smile.....*crazy isnt it...??*
but well thats me....mr.weirdo..haha....
getting to know her is one of the best thing i have ever done....=)
Back to the Past
4th November 2009
It was my father's birthday, i'll never forget about this date...everthing shows a bad sign. We would never know what's gonna happen. On that day, she ask me out. We wanted to go out for a dinner. She said that it was going to take a while cause she already rent a car for us * apparently i was with the motorcycle*. but on the same day was my birthday. i know he was coming to bangi to see me because my siblings and my mum is busy and he need somebody to celebrate his birthday with. He hates 'her' so much. He told me not to see her again but i guess i was that stubborn boy who doesnt want to listen to what his dad is saying.
After i finish my paper on that day *Final Exam Week*, i clean up myself and ready to go to her place. I had to borrow my friends motorcycle because i don't have any....=) so it was like 4 that i started the motorcycle and off to her place. It was raining before that and the road was kinda slippery. then i went on the road, it only takes 15 minutes to her place from campus.
Suddenly, this bad things happen.... about 50-100 meters more to reach there, it was at dangerous bend infront and i saw this one car came from the opposite side of the road, i was on my path..then i guess that car did not see me coming, that women drove right towards me....i was very shocked than i pressed the breaks...i lost control and my motorcycle turnout to be sliding on the road moving towards the car *perodua kenari*....luckily i manage to jump off the motorcycle just before the motorcycle went under the car. I was flying over *flying without wings....hehehe* the car. i saw the motorcycle's front broke up into pieces. it was horrifying and it was my first time involve in an motorcycle accident. the only i see the motorcycle gets hit off the road and i was there eating the tar of the roads. My hand and legs was bleeding so badly. i cant bearly feel my left hand that time. It hurts but i manage to get up and chase that car, but it was a hit & run. the car left me all alone. nobody was stopping to help me but some of them nearly hit me as i was trying to move the motorcycle to the side of the road. the condition of the motorcycle was very bad. the handle bent to V shape, the fork also bent, side mirrors broken, cover set splash into pieces and all the things that is at the front is badly damaged.
After that i tried to call for help. I'm really scared right now. I really am making a big mistake. I called her and she was very shock and cried. after half an hour's of waiting, she arrived with her friends. she tried to calm me down but i really cant. it hurts a lot. then my other friends came 25 minutes after that. I was very terrified and don't know what to do. She and her friends took me to the clinic while my other friends take care of the motorcycle. it was a terrible day. that night my dad called as i promise him to meet him that night but i disappointed him, i don't want to tell him what happened but i don't want to lie to him anymore, so i told him, he was very mad and come very immediately to the workshop to see me. he scolded me and to be more worst, my friends who owns the motorcycle doesn't want to use insurance so i have to pay on my own. It causes nearly RM 2000. It is a very big amount of money. my dad cried. he don't know where to find the greens. i felt so guilty. I have to borrow some money from my friends and my dad also have to borrow. it takes only 3 days for that motorcycle to be done. luckily, by the god will we manage to get amount of money to pay for the damages and repairs.
That was my first time and now i'm still traumatize by the accident. I'm sorry papa but o know god have shown of sign but it is just me who don't want to listen and interpret it well. i.
p/s:moral of the story, listen to ur parents, don't ever do what they dislike cause it hurts them the most and Allah never like His followers do things that are disapproved by the parents. They always know the best for yourself.=)
It was my father's birthday, i'll never forget about this date...everthing shows a bad sign. We would never know what's gonna happen. On that day, she ask me out. We wanted to go out for a dinner. She said that it was going to take a while cause she already rent a car for us * apparently i was with the motorcycle*. but on the same day was my birthday. i know he was coming to bangi to see me because my siblings and my mum is busy and he need somebody to celebrate his birthday with. He hates 'her' so much. He told me not to see her again but i guess i was that stubborn boy who doesnt want to listen to what his dad is saying.
After i finish my paper on that day *Final Exam Week*, i clean up myself and ready to go to her place. I had to borrow my friends motorcycle because i don't have any....=) so it was like 4 that i started the motorcycle and off to her place. It was raining before that and the road was kinda slippery. then i went on the road, it only takes 15 minutes to her place from campus.
Suddenly, this bad things happen.... about 50-100 meters more to reach there, it was at dangerous bend infront and i saw this one car came from the opposite side of the road, i was on my path..then i guess that car did not see me coming, that women drove right towards me....i was very shocked than i pressed the breaks...i lost control and my motorcycle turnout to be sliding on the road moving towards the car *perodua kenari*....luckily i manage to jump off the motorcycle just before the motorcycle went under the car. I was flying over *flying without wings....hehehe* the car. i saw the motorcycle's front broke up into pieces. it was horrifying and it was my first time involve in an motorcycle accident. the only i see the motorcycle gets hit off the road and i was there eating the tar of the roads. My hand and legs was bleeding so badly. i cant bearly feel my left hand that time. It hurts but i manage to get up and chase that car, but it was a hit & run. the car left me all alone. nobody was stopping to help me but some of them nearly hit me as i was trying to move the motorcycle to the side of the road. the condition of the motorcycle was very bad. the handle bent to V shape, the fork also bent, side mirrors broken, cover set splash into pieces and all the things that is at the front is badly damaged.

After that i tried to call for help. I'm really scared right now. I really am making a big mistake. I called her and she was very shock and cried. after half an hour's of waiting, she arrived with her friends. she tried to calm me down but i really cant. it hurts a lot. then my other friends came 25 minutes after that. I was very terrified and don't know what to do. She and her friends took me to the clinic while my other friends take care of the motorcycle. it was a terrible day. that night my dad called as i promise him to meet him that night but i disappointed him, i don't want to tell him what happened but i don't want to lie to him anymore, so i told him, he was very mad and come very immediately to the workshop to see me. he scolded me and to be more worst, my friends who owns the motorcycle doesn't want to use insurance so i have to pay on my own. It causes nearly RM 2000. It is a very big amount of money. my dad cried. he don't know where to find the greens. i felt so guilty. I have to borrow some money from my friends and my dad also have to borrow. it takes only 3 days for that motorcycle to be done. luckily, by the god will we manage to get amount of money to pay for the damages and repairs.
That was my first time and now i'm still traumatize by the accident. I'm sorry papa but o know god have shown of sign but it is just me who don't want to listen and interpret it well. i.
p/s:moral of the story, listen to ur parents, don't ever do what they dislike cause it hurts them the most and Allah never like His followers do things that are disapproved by the parents. They always know the best for yourself.=)
want to start back writing in this blog

Hye everyone, its been a year since i last wrote something on this blog, wow...i guess people does make something out of a blog.....how express themselves,releases stress and tension and even throw out something that really wanted to say but we cant say a thing...haha.... i just dnt know what am i talking about......
I guess this is the start of my new life, i want to be who i really am, i dont care what people say about me, if they cant accept what i am doing,then they cant be in my life because all the things that i do is related to MY LIFE. But if i did something wrong please correct me, i know i did a lot of mistakes in my past and sooner or later i will feel regret about things that i have done. People likes me. People also dislikes me.
What else that i want to say, ermmm.....owh yea, i guess a year i've not been writing here, i guess there must be a lot of changes to my self since i left. Later i'll show about what are the things that happen throughout a year i've been missing. About accidents,happy moments, breaking up, sick, laughter and even tears that i have gone through.
I really hope that this new start makes me a better person, i dont like people judge bad things about me, even when they say that "i'm fine with you rafie", but we dont know what they say at our backs. People nowadays are hypocrite and selfish. The deeds are for their own good and afraid to suffer for others just because for the sake of their pride.
I guess thats all from me. Hope to write again and tell more about MY LIFE.
p/s: sorry for the broken english, i'm not good in languages especially english.=)
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