hyee...sry lmbt post dis blog.actually this trip was on 6th of june..but is hard to upload dis pics somehow.. ok2 let me start...my fmiily and i was planning to go for a trip..with my mom bcoz she is working..she has to follow the badminton national team to the Singapore Open
...so ktorag pn ikut je lar..untill JB we stay at Blue Wave Hotel..oops luoe nk bgtau...we went there with kete perdana... So rite after we check in..we go to The Zone(where the things are free duty)...my dad bought himself a shoe..x aci kn? tp i get myself chocolates..hehe...best gler!!! dah la lme xmkn chocs...then we off to dis place called setulang we ate a big lamb gearbox...i suck the join with straw...dah lme xwat cam2 gn my fmily...rite after we fnish the meal we went back to the hotel to get some rest...it was a tiring day...the next morning i woke up early just to hav breakfast with the national badminton team..huhu.. after breakfast we went for a swim at the swimming pool at the hotel
....best gler went i spent time with my siblings bcoz all of mt bro n sis a in the boarding school..so it was like on 2 or 3 times a year je i can meet them....so i hav to spent quality time with them... so we took pictures and hav a lot of fun...tiring but worth it..

then we checked out a 1 o'clock and headed 2 the Plaza Angsana to buy some books for my sis..she's havin PMR dis year... then we ate otak2 which is the best in JB i thnk..sdap gler...then we headed to the danga bay..haha we took more pics there...
takin pics is the most important part lor... we did hav fun takin pics all over the danga bay..
.we spent bout 1 hour and a half there...

then we are off to shah alam...thats all for the trip to jaybee...
see u in the next post..chiow